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Access Policy Re-Use

If you've defined a scope_queryset method, you'll likely want to use it in multiple places. If an object shouldn't be returned to a user from a view set, they probably shouldn't be able to reference that object's id when sending a POST or PUT request.

A PermittedPkRelatedField or PermittedSlugRelatedField can be passed an access policy class.

from django.contrib.auth.models import User

from rest_framework import serializers
from rest_access_policy import PermittedPkRelatedField
from my_policies import UserAccessPolicy

class AccountUpdateSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializesr):
    emergency_contact = PermittedPkRelatedField(
        access_policy=UserAccessPolicy, queryset=User.objects.all()
from django.contrib.auth.models import User

from rest_framework import serializers
from rest_access_policy import PermittedSlugRelatedField
from my_policies import UserAccessPolicy

class AccountUpdateSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializesr):
    emergency_contact = PermittedSlugRelatedField(
        access_policy=UserAccessPolicy, queryset=User.objects.all(), slug_field="username"

Ensure that when the serializer is instantiated, it gets passed the request object, which gets passed to the policy's scope_queryset behind the scenes.