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Typed Views

Simple Usage

For many cases, you can rely on implicit behavior for how different parts of the request (URL path variables, query parameters, body) map to the parameters of a view function/method.

The value of a view parameter will come from...

  • the URL path if the path variable and the view argument have the same name, or:
  • the request body if the view argument is annotated using a class from a supported library for complex object validation (Pydantic), or:
  • a query parameter with the same name

Unless a default value is given, the parameter is required and a ValidationError will be raised if not set.

Basic GET Request

urlpatterns = [
    url(r"^(?P<city>[\w+])/restaurants/", search_restaurants)

from rest_typed import typed_api_view

# Example request: /chicago/restaurants?delivery=yes
def search_restaurants(city: str, rating: float = None, offers_delivery: bool = None):
    restaurants = Restaurant.objects.filter(city=city)

    if rating is not None:
        restaurants = restaurants.filter(rating__gte=rating)

    if offers_delivery is not None:
        restaurants = restaurants.filter(delivery=offers_delivery)

In this example, city is required and must be its string. Its value comes from the URL path variable with the same name. The other parameters, rating and offers_delivery, are not part of the path parameters and are assumed to be query parameters. They both have a default value, so they are optional.

Basic POST Request

urlpatterns = [url(r"^(?P<city>[\w+])/bookings/", create_booking)]

DRF_TYPED_VIEWS = {"schema_packages": ["pydantic"]}

from pydantic import BaseModel
from rest_typed import typed_api_view

class RoomEnum(str, Enum):
    double = 'double'
    twin = 'twin'
    single = 'single'

class BookingSchema(BaseModel):
    start_date: date
    end_date: date
    room: RoomEnum = RoomEnum.double
    include_breakfast: bool = False

# Example request: /chicago/bookings/
def create_booking(city: str, booking: BookingSchema):
    # do something with the validated booking...

In this example, city will again be populated using the URL path variable. The booking parameter is annotated using a supported complex schema class (Pydantic), so it's assumed to come from the request body, which will be read in as JSON, used to hydrate the Pydantic BookingSchema and then validated. If validation fails a ValidationError will be raised.